Tummy Tuck
What is Tummy Tuck?
Abdominal stretching, commonly known as, tummy tuck surgery is becoming popular every day and the demand to get this procedure done has increased considerably in recent years. Today it is one of the widely preferred cosmetic surgeries.
As its technically called by doctors; Abdominoplasty is removing the excess fat around the abdominal area with a surgical operation.

One of the biggest problems of mostly women, from the past to the present, is the sagging skin and regional excess fat, which has become much more comfortable and quicker to solve with the developing technology.
There are many reasons to get an abdominal stretching surgery, so this operation is not only for women but also for men as well.
While sagging becomes a fearful dream of women in physical appearance after rapid weight gain or loss in the belly area or after pregnancy, tummy tuck surgery, thanks to its successful results, is one of the most frequently applied cosmetic surgery all over the world.
In recent years, Turkey’s success in cosmetic surgeries has achieved a great success and became a topic spoken about all over the world. In Istanbul, a place among the world’s metropolitan cities, success stories about abdominoplasty operations of many clinics and specialist physicians in Istanbul are increasing day by day.
Tummy tuck operations are generally used to remove deformations in the abdominal area after pregnancy. Unfortunately, these deformations that occur after pregnancy are not self-healing. The need for surgical support in this regard is abdominoplasty surgery removes the deformities.

Tummy tuck surgery is not only for removing the saggy and deformed skin, but also it is the definitive solution of regional excess fat. While removing the excess fat from the desired area, abdominal stretching is also performed which will straighten saggy skin in that area.
In cases with excess fat, liposuction is also performed along with tummy tuck surgery. While the excess fat is removed by liposuction, abdominal stretching is also performed to prevent any sagging in that area.
Since tummy tuck surgery is a surgical intervention performed under general anesthesia, this service must be obtained in professional health institutions and by specialist doctors. Turkey in general has very successful results in abdominoplasty aesthetics, we as Estenbulhealth provide services with our specialist physicians for tummy tuck surgery.
Abdominal Stretching Surgery Methods
In Turkey there are 2 different methods for abdominal stretch surgery in professional organizations and clinics. We as Estenbulhealth provide our patients with professional services for abdominoplasty surgery in Istanbul with these 2 different methods in tummy tuck surgery as listed below.
Mini Abdominal Stretching Surgery
Mini tummy tuck surgery is a method applied for the removal of deformities usually seen in the lower abdomen. It is applied especially to people who do not have any sagging, skin loosening, excessive weight or fat in the abdominal area. In mini tummy tuck surgery, excess fat in the abdomen, especially under the belly button is removed. The most important detail about the mini abdominal stretching operation is that its only applied in the lower abdomen area.

Full Abdominal Stretching Surgery
Full abdominal stretching surgery is performed in the general abdominal area. Including the area above the belly button where sagging skin, excess fat or post-pregnancy stretch marks are visible. It is one of the most effective methods in the solution to excess weight and skin sagging in the abdominal area.

How Long is The Abdominal Stretching Surgery?
As in all cosmetic surgery operations, the planning for abdominal stretching is made individually and the duration of the operation is determined according to the decisions made by doctors in the planning. Although it varies from patient to patient, an average abdominal stretching surgery is performed in 3 to 5 hours.
In mini abdominal stretching surgery, this period may be much lesser.
There are many factors that determine the duration of the abdominal stretching procedure. Such as the amount of skin hanging in the area to be treated, the width of the area to be treated, the amount of excess fat under the skin and other procedures that are going to be performed in combination play a decisive role in the duration of the operation.
Who Should Decide to Have An Abdominal Strectching Surgery (Abdominoplasty)?
- People with weight problems in the abdominal area that cannot be solved by diet or alternative methods.
- People with stretch marks in the abdominal area due to weight gain or loss.
- People with post-pregnancy stretch marks in the abdominal area.
- People who experience skin sagging due to aging.
- People with postpartum skin sagging can have abdominal stretching procedure.
- Abdominal stretching procedure is preferred frequently by men as a result of excess fat in the abdominal area

Although abdominal stretching procedure is a cosmetic operation, it is also a surgical operation. For this reason, it is important that the patient needs to be in a good general health condition in order to be suitable for this operation.
Abdominoplasty is a recommended procedure for people who are not planning on getting pregnant in a few months after the operation.
Will There Be Any Scars After Abdominal Strectching Surgery?
It is possible to have a scar that is not obvious after abdominoplasty. This mark heals quickly and is almost never noticed in some people, it may also be slightly more obvious in some people.
When the operation is performed by specialist physician, the scars are as light as possible and more importantly will be camouflaged with clothes. The scar that occurs after abdominoplasty is not a noticeable scar that will bother the patient.
Patient should pay attention to the recommendations of the physicians for faster disappearance of scars after the operation. Patients can also use cosmetic creams that help healing the skin.
Is It Safe To Get Pregnant After The Abdominal Stretching Surgery?
There is no harm in getting pregnant after abdominoplasty. Abdominoplasty is not an operation that affects pregnancy. However, getting pregnant immediately after the operation may have a negative effect to maintaining the long-term desired appearance so it is not recommended.
After pregnancy, the perfect appearance of the abdominal area may not be possible and patient might see deformations again.

Healing After Abdominal Lift Surgery
As it is after all surgical operations it is quite common to have edema, partial bruising and pain after the abdominal stretching surgery. In these cases, it is recommended that you use the painkiller and antibiotics prescribed by the physician regularly.
Although it varies from person to person, patients might need to stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days after tummy tuck surgery.
After abdominoplasty, the average recovery time of the stitches is 5 to 7 days. For this reason, sudden movements should be avoided for the first week and in cases of coughing or sneezing one should be careful.

For the first few days after abdominoplasty it is recommended not to have very straight posture.
Patients can easily perform all their daily activities after the first week of abdominal stretching surgery.
As it is in all surgical operations, recovery will be faster and better to take a break from alcohol and smoking after abdominoplasty.
It is important to avoid heavy sports activities for the first 8 weeks after abdominoplasty although taking light walks are recommended during this time.
All patients after the tummy tuck surgery are recommended to wear a special corset for the first 4 weeks. This corset provides benefits for both in post-operative reinforcement and protection.
How Much Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost?
Almost all the cosmetic surgeries are planned individually. Therefore, it will be important to know what procedures will be performed. There are also considerations such as the amount of sagging in the skin, the amount of excess fat in the area, whether there is a combined procedure, hospital and physician fees, etc.
It would not be right to claim that expensive clinics offer better results and to say that reasonably priced clinics produces yield unsuccessful results in tummy tuck operations.
Turkey is one of the most successful countries in this the world of cosmetic and plastic surgery and offer more successful results compared to other countries. However, it is not possible to give exact information for pricing since preliminary pricing for tummy tuck operations are made by specialist physicians who determine the price based on examination and complications if there are any.
Although many clinics seem to offer a fixed price, these prices are likely to change afterwards. Since each individual is different their tummy tuck operation prices will be different, therefore, to offer a fixed price is both not possible and not right.
You can contact us to make an appointment to free preliminary examination and ask everything you wonder about tummy tuck operation to health care professionals and our specialist physicians in this field in Turkey.