How to Choose Best Hair Transplant Method?

If hair transplant surgery is in your agenda, you might have looked for the best hair transplant methods. In fact, we can hardly talk about the best method. Instead, we can talk about the most suitable method for an individual. Because everyone will have different characteristics. In this case, a method might not work for all individuals.
When we talk about hair implants, we can see different ways. So, it is important to assess all hair transplant methods. After that, it might be possible to decide on the best hair transplant methods. Every technique and method in this field has its own different advantage. We will try to explain how to decide on hair implant method.
How to Decide Best Hair Transplant Method?
Before selecting the most best hair transplant method, try to make a bit of research. You need to understand the basics of this operation. Without understand the hair implant, it is hard to make a decision. Also, you need to listen to your doctor.
First, you need to know that 2 hair transplant methods are common. There methods are FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant and DHI (direct hair implant) hair transplant. Each of the methods have different benefits. So, even though you like the idea of FUE more, it might not be a good option for you. Instead, DHI might produce much better results.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
This hair transplant method is the top method in this field. It s combined with a suitable hair implant. Either Slit hair implant or Sapphire hair implant are selected. In any case, hair roots are extracted with FUE. This method is considered to be one of the best hair transplant method.
First, hair roots are collected one by one. This is extremely important to minimise the damage. In the past, such one by ne collection was not possible. But with this method, scarring and marks are completely eliminated.
After collecting the method, hair roots are prepared in a special solution. This solution will clean all the issue around the hair roots. Then, hair roots are implanted. Before implanting, special canals are opened to implant area. In this process, either Slit or Sapphire method is preferred.
Direct Hair Implant (DHI)
Another best hair transplant method is called DHI. In this method, hair roots are again collected one by one. But in this method, hair roots are directly implanted. Special CHOI pen do not collect the tissue. Also, there is no need to open channels. All hair extraction and hair implant are completed with the pen.
However, there is hair roots limitation in this method. Maximum permitted number of hair grafts is 2.500. So, this method is not suitable for advanced hair loss issues.