A Hair Transplant Can Give You Permanent, Natural-Looking Results

A hair transplant is the most effective treatment method for hair loss. This treatment, which has a very high success rate, is also at the forefront with its permanence. It is also possible to have completely natural-looking hair after hair transplantation treatment. Hair transplant treatment is a procedure that has been valid for many years and is constantly evolving.
What Is Hair Transplant?
The hair transplant process is a method that is the first choice of people who have hair loss problems. This treatment, applied to both men and women, provides absolute results if used correctly. This treatment, which was mentioned for the first time in the 1930s, has become the most effective method today with the development of the medical world. This procedure, applied for the first time in 1952, has become one of the most preferred treatments after 1990, along with modern medicine.
Today, it is known that hair transplant treatment is the most permanent method for hair loss. Hair transplant Turkey options are also one of the most preferred treatment options in the world. Clinics in Turkey have a high success rate and have budget-friendly options in terms of price policy.
How is Hair Transplant Treatment Applied?

A hair transplant procedure is a treatment applied in several stages. Local anesthesia is used in the first stage of treatment. In this way, the patient is prevented from feeling pain. Then the graft is taken from the donor area. The grafts taken are also transferred to the area with hair loss. This procedure takes around 5-6 hours on average. According to the preferred transplant method, there may also be some changes in how the treatment is administered.
FUE and DHI hair transplant are the leading methods used in transplant treatment. At the same time, the sapphire FUE hair transplant method is also frequently preferred. Each of these methods can be applied to both women and men. The FUE method can generally be used in the broader area. On the other hand, the DHI method is a fast procedure and can be applied to a smaller space.
Is Hair Transplant Procedure Permanent?

Hair transplant is the most effective method for hair loss compared to other treatments. It is possible to have natural-looking hair in 1 year after the treatment. This treatment, applied to the person’s hair texture, is used to obtain the original hair appearance. The hair transplant area can’t look artificial. Moreover, if the treatment is applied correctly, it will be possible to achieve lifelong permanence.
After the treatment, it is enough to apply everything recommended by your specialist doctor. Thus, your treatment will result in a positive result.
Things to Consider for Success of Hair Transplant Treatment
The hair transplant before and after process significantly affects the success rate of the treatment. Before starting the treatment, your specialist doctor will perform some medical tests. According to the results of the tests, the treatment process is started. If you have a chronic disease, you should inform your doctor about it. Some chronic conditions may pose a problem for transplant treatment.
After the hair transplant, you will need to use drugs such as multivitamins and serums. At the same time, your doctor will give you antibiotics and pain relievers. You are expected to use the medicines regularly for the treatment to result positively. In addition, it is essential to use a special shampoo to wash your hair. In any case, the first hair wash will be done in the clinical setting.
You should not use a blow dryer until 4-6 months after the treatment. It is also recommended not to shave for six months. After the transplant, you should stop doing sports and stay away from the sun’s rays. You should start sports three months after the end of the treatment. Sun rays are also harmful to the transplanted area. Harmful rays may cause negative results in treatment.
You must regularly apply everything that is recommended to you for the successful outcome of the treatment. You need to make a decision knowing that transplant treatment is a permanent method. You can also choose this procedure to have your natural hair again.