Hair Transplant Articles

Hair Surgery for Solving Hair Loss Problem

Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem affecting a high number of people around the world. Hair loss has negative physical effects as well as negative psychological effects on most of the people. People who are suffering from hair loss often feel insecure and lose their self-confidence. Therefore, people who suffer from hair loss are trying to find a solution. Now, with recent developments in the medical sector and technology, hair surgery or also known as hair transplant is offering a solution to this problem.

Hair loss is generally seen in men. And this problem is linked with hormone levels. However, some women may also experience hair loss. Especially in their eye-brow area due to plucking. Hair transplant offers a solution by using a patient’s own hair to restore the bald area.

What Is Hair Surgery?

Basically, hair surgery is restoring the area of hair loss with the transplant method. Although the term surgery is often used, the operations are applied with local anesthesia. Also, there are some non-surgical treatments to stimulate the growth of hair.

Which Methods Are Used in Hair Transplant?

Mainly, hair transplant consists of two sections. These are the extraction of hair grafts and implanting those extracted hair grafts. Hair grafts are packs of hair collected from the back of the head. Since this hair is the most resistant against falling, this hair is used in implanting section. During extraction and implanting stages, special tools and equipment are used based on the methods employed in the process.

For hair extraction, follicular unit extraction (FUE) method is used. After the required number of hair grafts are collected with the special micro motor tool in FUE, these hair are implanted in three different ways. During implanting, SlitSapphire, or DHI (CHOI Pens) methods are used. Although the main principles of all these three methods are the same, there are small differences during application.

FUE Hair Graft Extraction Method

At the beginning of hair surgery, hair grafts are extracted with FUE method. This step is the first step of a complete hair transplant process. To extract the hair grafts, back of the hair is shaved. This way, their procedure is completed smoothly. After the adequate number of grafts are collected, depending on initial selection, one of the grafts implanting methods is followed by the doctor. Generally, graft implanting method is decided prior to the procedure.

Slit Implanting Method

In Slit implanting method, all the extracted grafts are implanted manually. To implant those hair grafts, channels are opened to the recipient area. Before implanting, channels are opened with special surgeon blade. Then, all hair grafts are implanted.

Sapphire Implanting Method

Sapphire implanting method is similar to the slit implanting method. The only difference is the tools used for opening channels for the implant. In Sapphire method, diamond blade pen is used for channel opening procedure. This way, healing of recipient area is much faster than the Slit implanting method. Also, the results have a more natural look.

DHI – CHOI Pens Implanting Method

Another implanting method is DHI or CHOI Pens. In this method, there is no need for channel opening for implanting. Instead of channels, special CHOI Pens are used for implanting the extracted hair grafts. One of the main advantages of DHI method is that the hair is not shaved during the procedure. Also, the healing is faster compared to other graft implanting methods. Results can also be seen faster compared to other methods. Special pens are used for implanting to bald areas. However, with this method, the maximum number of grafts that can be used in a single session is 2500 hair grafts. Generally, since there is no need for shaving hair, DHI method is preferred for women or men with long hair.


About Gürkan Çoruh

Gürkan is Estenbul Digital Marketing Manager and Content writer who has taken roles in medical tourism for years and created written materials for healthcare provider’s websites. Gürkan Çoruh was born on May 10, 1989, and pursued his higher education in Travel Management at the Muğla University. After graduating in 2011, he had the opportunity to work in many units of tourism. He started to work in the medical health tourism sector in 2016. Since then, he has been working on medical tourism and has written informative health articles. He has been mainly focusing on hair transplant surgeries, and through his work, Gürkan has been able to create effective content in English. He has been working with Estenbul Health in this sector for 7 years.